
We apologize to everyone who encountered a problem on the RigExpert USA website.

Dear customers,

We have important news for you!

We apologize to everyone who encountered a problem on the RigExpert USA website. We would like to avoid misunderstandings on our part and explain the whole situation.

Due to unforeseen changes, RigExpertUSA (aka PNC Engineering) has been officially closed for business as of 5/31/2022. RigExpertUSA was an independent legal entity and operated as a partner of Rig Expert Ukraine without being its branch.

We would like to assure you that Rig Expert Ukraine Ltd., the owner of the RigExpert brand, continues to operate in the USA. The customers of PNC Engineering can definitely contact RigExpertCare warranty service centers for warranty and post-warranty service of the RigExpert devices. List of centers at this link: https://rigexpert.com/where-to-service/

In case of questions regarding the service or purchase of products, you can contact us directly or one of our partners listed on the website: www.rigexpert.com.