Participate in contests, conduct any digital radio communication or CW, or just QSO, and logger – unite all the desires of radio amateurs in one space. That idea occupied developers and engineers of the RigExpert team when the MixW software was created. Users highly rated the convenience and functionality of the result. Now, the MiXW 4 realizes even more of ham radio operators` aspirations. But the way to the dream hasn’t been short.
In 1992, the MS DOS program called Mix 221 for RTTY was written by Nick Fedoseev, UT2UZ. He has ten years in the field of electronic design and more than 18 years in programming. An experienced radioamateur, he got his first license in 1978.
This program was written in Turbo Pascal and used a HAMCOMM-style simple external modem. It worked even on a PC XT machine!
In 1998, Nick wrote a program for Windows and called it MixWin. Several versions were published, the last one was MixW 1.45. It represented a multimode program, which supported five modes: SSB, PSK31, RTTY, PACKET, and CW, using a PC soundcard. In this version, he also added the CAT System, World Map, macros, and log.
Four years later, Improving MixW 1.45, Nick and Denis Nechitailov,UR8US, developed the panoramic spectral display, which was incorporated into the program called DigiPan under the ideological support of Howard Teller, KH6TY.
The MixW 2 window layout was thoroughly changed. There were plenty of new modes of radio communication. Also, that version already included contest support.
Every generation of the program contained many own algorithms for decoding radio signals. Developments have been so reliable that some part of the MixW 2 code was implemented into PolyITAN-1 satellite software.
In 2014, the rocket “Dnepr” launched into Earth’s orbit this one and 32 other satellites from 17 countries. PolyITAN-1 was designed by Kyiv Polytechnic Institute students. For the ninth year, it has been continuously transmitting a signal in near-Earth orbit. The rest of the 32 satellites sent by that mission burned out or turned into space debris.
Two years later, RigExpert company launched a support and further development of this legendary full-functionally ham radio station hardware log program.
Currently, the software from RigExpert has received an updated version of MixW 4. The program supports the Kiwi Software Defined Radio and uses all transceiver-computer use cases (Logger, Digital, Contests). MixW4 technologies significantly expand the possibilities of radio amateurs in any form of communication.
This program allows you to use the high range of Digi radio, including FT8 and FT4.
High-precision decoders of Morse code use proprietary CW RigExpert software algorithms. So includes a clear and loud signal when using CW mode.
An option, User-Defined Contest reports about all current contests and provides participation in any of them. Thanks to the simple scripting programming language MixW 4, the user could write additional modules and statistics by himself.
Any kind of radio communication is faster than usual due to the wide range of macros. Patented digital signal processing algorithms are even the most applicable of them.
All the functionality of the program is available on a user-friendly interface with the possibility of multi-window, font, and display settings.
For easy downloading, the MixW 4 package contains a user manual in three languages (English, Dutch, and German). MixW technical support will help you sort out all the details on the link Considering the time difference, the specialists of the Ukrainian company may not answer immediately, but they will definitely get in touch within 24 hours.
You can download MixW at and websites.
Today, MixW creators Nick, UT2UZ, and Denis, UR8US, are already at the helm of RigExpert company and keeping an eye closely on growing up their favorite brainchild. And the RigExpert team replenishes the functionality of MixW and develops the transmitting quality, raising the bar even higher. Soon.