A well-known DXpeditioner, Top Band DXer, Antenna Guru Nodir EY8MM
reviewed RigExpert AA-55 ZOOM antenna analyzer, used on VP6R DXpedition
to Pitcairn Island, on famous eham.net platform:
“Must have device!
I am long time user of Rigexpert devices. We used RigExpert AA230PRO
during VP8ORK expedition and I brought my personal one to FT5ZM trip.
For recent VP6R trip Rigexpert team donated two of RigExpert AA-55
Zoom devices. As we had two camps there we kept one device in each of
them. It was so easy to handle antenna tuning/checking. We had to fix
few antennas after storm so analyzers been used constantly.
After CQ WW SSB I went to re-tune our 80 and 160 m verticals back to
CW part and it took me less than 10 minutes for both.
Those analyzers has so many other functions built in so in expeditions
can replace full lab. My favorites are SWR and R/X charts with
selected frequency range. It is instantly gives you full picture.
When you under time pressure or in difficult weather conditions that
is really matter.
73, Nodir EY8MM”
The original source: https://www.eham.net/reviews/view-product?id=13167