
Transceiver Cables for RigExpert Interfaces

(all rigs)

Attention: If someone sells you a product with a 25-pin transceiver connector which is “compatible” to RigExpert products, then be aware: this is a theft and a forgery. We have never given permission to copy our work to any of companies. The pin-out of the 25-pin transceiver connector is copyright by RigExpert.

Check the availability of the pre-assembled cables on your local distributor’s website.

Please notice the following:

  • An on-cable CW paddle socket is not needed, since it is already built into RigExpert Plus/TI-5 and not used for RigExpert Standard/TI-7/TI-8/WTI-1.
  • For dual-channel transceivers (Yaesu FT-1000MP, Icom IC-7800, Ten-Tec Orion), please see the corresponding dual-channel diagrams.
  • EchoLink users: the diagrams do not show the connection of transceiver squelch output and pin 5 of the 25-pin plug. Please add this connection to use the hardware squelch feature.
For other models which are not in the list please see the following articles: Designing Transceiver Cables  and 25-pin transceiver connector.
  • Yaesu part 2
  • Icom
  • Kenwood
  • Ten-Tec
  • Elecraft
  • Alinco
  • JRC
  • Small Wonder Labs
  • SGC
  • SteppIR

Yaesu transceiver cables part 1

For FT-2000, please turn Off menu #029 (#030 with newer firmware), “CAT RTS”.

For FT-2000, please turn Off menu #029 (#030 with newer firmware), “CAT RTS”.

For FT-2000, please turn Off menu #029 (#030 with newer firmware), “CAT RTS”.

Yaesu transceiver cables part 2

Icom transceiver cables

Kenwood transceiver cables

Ten-Tec transceiver cables

Elecraft transceiver cables

Alinco transceiver cables

JRC transceiver cables

Small Wonder Labs transceiver cables

SGC transceiver cables

SteppIR cables


Please set the PTT/RXD jumper on the PC board of the TI-5 to the “RXD” position.