
Company News

AA-35 ZOOM and AA-55 ZOOM: be ready for HAM Radio season 2023

A large color TFT screen that allows you to see right on it any smallest detail of the graph, a multilingual interface, and a built-in assistant that you call at the one push of a button. A …

Welcome to the RigExpert Family

If you hesitate to choose or buy our products because you need to know more, ask the RigExpert Family group. You will receive answers not from the seller, but from real users online. As practice has shown, …

Christmas Story from RigExpert: we believed in the miracle

The long-awaited miracle has happened: our gift has reached the person we admire and radioamateur Mr. Bruce Best! But first, we saw the movie… “Operation Christmas Drop” (more here: https://reu.wiki/o) is the first film that clearly proves …