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Now is the high time!
Dayton Hamvention Discount Special.
15 May. 2020
Dear RigExpert Followers, We know that many of you planned to visit the Dayton Hamvention Exhibition 2020. Surely, one of the goals of visiting the Dayton Hamvention Exhibition is to purchase HAM gear at a special discount. …
Meet the AntScope Application for iOS!
07 Apr. 2020
Dear RigExpert Follower, We are pleased to inform you that the popular AntScope Application gained support for iOS too! RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM Option BLE and RigExpert Stick 230 devices can be connected to the AntScope Application for …
Al prepararse para un certamen, es fundamental contar con una antena bien sintonizada
10 Mar. 2020
Al prepararse para un certamen, es fundamental contar con una antena bien sintonizada, así como cualquier DX o QSO simple. A la hora de comprobar el estado de una antena y ajustar su configuración, se recomienda utilizar …