Arduino + AA-30.ZERO = tiny analyzer.
17 Feb. 2020
Dear friends! AA-30.ZERO is an excellent tiny antenna analyzer that works in conjunction with PCs and AntScope and AntScope2 software and allows you to measure antennas and feeder lines in the range from 100 kHz to 170 …

RigExpertZero library for Arduino.
12 Feb. 2020
Dear friends! We are in a hurry to announce great news for the current and future owners of the AA-30 ZERO analyzer. Our engineers have developed a special library with program code for Arduino, which will allow …

New firmware for AA-30 ZERO.
05 Feb. 2020
Dear friends. We have released a new firmware update for the AA-30 ZERO analyzer (version 2.0) In this version, we added the ability to measure at a single frequency. For example. You need to make measure at …