Rig Expert Ukraine Ltd., founded in 2003 by four Ukrainian HAM Radio operators:

Sergei Litvinov
Senior Adviser
A very famous radio amateur in Ukraine. Excellent facilitator and manager. The “man of numbers”. The President of Kiev DX and Contest Club (contest call UV5U). DXCC HR, DXCC 160 (285), WAZ 160 (40), WAS 160 (50).

Denys Nechytailov
A radio amateur. The ideas man. Never stops learning. Social activist, President of NGO “The Centre for the European Development of Amateur Radio”.

Nickolai Fedoseev
A radio amateur. The developer of the program MixW. Has non-standard thinking. Hobby – astronomy.

Victor Tkachenko
A Radio amateur. Keen on gathering mushrooms and fishing, loves nature. Interested in joinery.
logistics and administration departments. Most of them are licensed and active HAMs. Within the years Rig Expert Ukraine Ltd. has become a well-known brand and recognized leader in development, production and global sales of antenna analyzers, transceiver interfaces, ARDF equipment and amateur radio software.RigExpert products are being exported to more than 30 countries. Based on sales information, our devices are used in more than 150 countries worldwide.The RigExpert trademark is registered in Ukraine as well as in the USA.
Rig Expert Team

Ashot Andreev

Maryna Budzyshena
Chief Accountant

Alex Kazantsev
Head of Production dept.

Alexander Antonov
Head of technical support dept.
Alexey Petrovskyy
Head of PR, sales & logistics dept.

Serhii Yefimchuk
PR, sales & logistics dept. Sales manager

Kateryna Bystriakova
PR, sales & logistics dept. Sales manager

Olexandr Shuvaliuk
PR, sales & logistics dept. Storekeeper
Key milestones
The mission of our company is to provide the best radio communication, testing, and measurement equipment to radio amateur and professional communities.
We are a fabless company so most of the manufacturing process is done by our partners: VD Mais, Viakom Ltd., Temys Ltd. The most responsible part of this process, such as testing, quality control, and final assembly is done at our side.
For the convenience of our customers, we have a large network of distributors in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Japan, and Australia. Please contact us if you are interested in the distribution of our products.