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WRTC 2018. RigExpert AA-35 ZOOM – Champion’s Tool!

“All sites will be equal right down to the detailed level. At the World Championship, ensuring all competing teams have the same operational conditions is of core importance. This does not only apply to topographical conditions, which …

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM Option Bluetooth

Attention to AA-230 ZOOM (S/N 2000 and higher) owners!

Dear customer, If you are an owner of AA-230 ZOOM analyzer (serial number 2000 and higher) and you are facing problems with its incorrect operation in conjunction with AnthScope2 or FlashTool programs, please update the firmware of …

First place winner

Поздравляем Олега Шумана!

Привет. И это в отдельную новость: Наши сотрудники успевают не только участвовать в выставках, но и занимать первые места в соревнованиях ARDF! Поздравляем с победой главного инженера Олега Шумана!